Plan to Attend

A writers conference can give you a boost.

by Andy Scheer

When I edited a national magazine, I especially looked forward to the year’s first writers conference. It wasn’t just the lure of traveling to Florida from snowbound Chicago. I could not only acquire serious writers, but also to coach them in their … Continue reading

Why Write for Periodicals

They’re too good an opportunity to overlook.

by Andy Scheer

Writing for magazines, newspapers, and websites won’t make you rich, famous, or the target of autograph-seekers. But neither will you need to write a detailed proposal, wait months for a response, then wait another year for publication. And the opportunities are almost limitless.

Even better, you’ll … Continue reading

Preparation Time

Do you feel stuck in a holding pattern?

by Andy Scheer

For people in the writing business, it’s easy to feel defeated — like we’ve been placed on hold.

One skilled writer, editor, and speaker recently had several wide-open doors slam shut. His work is just as good, but circumstances have denied him those … Continue reading