Delay Is Not Rejection

Sometimes an editor must hold an article.

Writers who submit to the magazine I produce seem to assume I’ll place their article in the next issue.

While that happens sometime, it usually doesn’t ― for two reasons.

I plan each issue well in advance. Rather than take a potluck approach, I look to assemble each issue around a menu.

Recently I received two strong articles I … Continue reading

Stand Tall and Keep Moving

As I write this, I’m waiting for a committee to decide about my proposal.

In my years in publishing, I’ve been here many times — on both ends of the process.

If you’re new to writing, get used to the idea of waiting and having others assess your work. It comes with the territory.

But it needn’t be accompanied by worry. Will your work be perfect? Not … Continue reading

Preparation Time

Do you feel stuck in a holding pattern?

by Andy Scheer

For people in the writing business, it’s easy to feel defeated — like we’ve been placed on hold.

One skilled writer, editor, and speaker recently had several wide-open doors slam shut. His work is just as good, but circumstances have denied him those opportunities.

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