Get a New Photo

If it no longer looks like you, replace it.

Each time I see a writer’s post on Facebook, I see a tiny version of that person’s photo. If I click it, I see a slightly larger version on their home page.

The potential for confusion comes when that writer does a live event — which shows how they look today. This past week I … Continue reading

Okay to Entertain

Serious times don’t always need serious stories.

Four days ago, a bestselling novelist apologized for the tone of a promo for her book that releases June 9.

“This cheerful newsletter,” she writes, “exists in a reality bubble where riots and burning and hatred and anguish don’t exist. It lives in the distant age of two weeks past, when we could pretend that our … Continue reading

Every Careless Word

You’re judged by your spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

 In their Facebook posts one week, several authors took issue with people they called grammar-shamers. They wanted to be judged by their online substance, not their delivery.

 They’re missing the point.

 If an error — of any kind — distracts a reader from your message, then you’ve failed to communicate clearly. Authors are … Continue reading