Writing to Everyone?

Instead, target specific readers.

Two words to avoid when you describe to an agent your book’s intended readership: all and everyone.

Yes, authors should radiate optimism. But claiming your book will appeal to everyone marks you as naive.

Consider just a few of the differences among potential readers:

  • Men/women
    • Age bracket
    • White collar/blue collar
    • Political affiliation
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By its Cover

Does your book make a good first impression?

Self-published authors often post with pride on social media about their newest book.

I’ll glance at the cover — and wonder how it can ever hope to compete in the marketplace.

The adage about not judging a book by its cover falls flat when the author is the one who controls it.

Even if potential readers … Continue reading

Dressed and Ready

Do your social media posts sabotage your brand?

The author’s latest post made me cringe.

I’m sure that wasn’t her intent. Considering its brevity, I expect her post reflected little forethought. She never suspected she was contributing to her author branding

Nevertheless, that badly written sentence shaped my impression of Jane Doe, who identifies herself online as “Author Jane Doe.”

“Author” implies not only having something … Continue reading