Step Away …

from that problem

Are you stymied by a snag with a writing project? The answer may be easier than you suspect: Step away from it and work on something else, anything else. Even better, sleep on it.

Come back to the problem the next day and trust your subconscious mind has been working on it while you slept.

Late yesterday afternoon, I … Continue reading

It Starts with an Idea

Now what will you do with it?

This past week, news came of the death of a novelist whose name appeared on numerous dozens of books. For decades, each debuted on the best-seller list.

But that’s not how he started. The opportunity arose when his wife took a job that had her work the late shift. Once, he’d put his children to bed, what … Continue reading

Two-Minute Writing

Mute the TV and start scribbling.

For weeks I’d wondered how to fill a key need for my magazine’s next two issues. The official with whom I was working had a history of coming up short on content.

Rather than depend on him to suddenly generate material, I needed to give him specific requests. But my time to draft those assignments … Continue reading