Every Careless Word

You’re judged by your spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

 In their Facebook posts one week, several authors took issue with people they called grammar-shamers. They wanted to be judged by their online substance, not their delivery.

 They’re missing the point.

 If an error — of any kind — distracts a reader from your message, then you’ve failed to communicate clearly. Authors are judged … Continue reading

Writing that Shines

Never rely on spell-check.

My excuse is that the magazine’s news section is huge, 8,600 words, assembled from more than 100 contributions.

My error was that I rushed this project, putting too much faith in the spell-checker. Yes, the red squiggles in Word alerted me to ones spelled wrong. But no alarm sounded when a wrong, correctly spelled word was used.

English has dozen of words … Continue reading

Dressed and Ready

Do your social media posts sabotage your brand?

The author’s latest post made me cringe.

I’m sure that wasn’t her intent. Considering its brevity, I expect her post reflected little forethought. She never suspected she was contributing to her author branding

Nevertheless, that badly written sentence shaped my impression of Jane Doe, who identifies herself online as “Author Jane Doe.”

“Author” implies not only having something … Continue reading