Writing to Everyone?

Instead, target specific readers.

by Andy Scheer

Two words to avoid when you describe your book’s intended readership: all and everyone.

Yes, authors should radiate optimism. But claiming your book will appeal to everyone marks you as naive.

Consider just a few of the differences among potential readers:

• Men/women
• Age bracket
• White collar/blue collar
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Five Nonfiction Tests

Help your writing earn a passing grade.

by Andy Scheer

Would you like to write an award-winning article — or a chapter fit for an award-winning book? Here are the criteria for a national contest I’m judging.

1) Idea (timeliness, appeal)
Will readers skimming the publication stop and take a look? Does it promise to … Continue reading

Why Write for Periodicals

They’re too good an opportunity to overlook.

by Andy Scheer

Writing for magazines, newspapers, and websites won’t make you rich, famous, or the target of autograph-seekers. But neither will you need to write a detailed proposal, wait months for a response, then wait another year for publication. And the opportunities are almost limitless.

Even better, … Continue reading