Finishing a November Novel

Treat it as it is: a first draft.

Are you scrambling to meet your deadlines for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)? Consider again the experience of my friend Chandler Birch, who in 2013 decided to try to write a novel in a month.

The challenge gave Birch his start. “Prior to that,” he says, “I had next to no experience developing a plot bigger than five … Continue reading

Baby Your First Draft

Like an infant, a manuscript needs further work.

Five months after my newest granddaughter was born, her parents continue to nurture her. Though she’s recently learned to roll over and is working on sitting, Mom and Dad know she has further potential—as do their three-year-old and almost seven-year-old.

That’s not to say … Continue reading

Write Boldly

If you fear making mistakes, you’ll accomplish little.

The lawn of the Manitou Springs, Colorado, library was filled with bold people.

On the platform, the Tender Foot Bluegrass band performed for an audience of two hundred. They could have been fearful. Music isn’t their day job. But they boldly performed song after song.

On the front of the lawn, a dozen children ran, … Continue reading