Give It Away?

Should You Ever Write for Free?

You hope to write professionally, which means getting paid for what you write. So should you ever write for free?

I sure hope so.

Disclaimer: I’ve worked for a publication that paid writers well. I’ve worked for a company that paid a token amount (for one-time rights for blog material.) But now I work for an all-volunteer organization whose … Continue reading

Unburden Your Dialogue

Don’t clog your lines with double attribution.

The author didn’t realize she was wasting words whenever her characters spoke.

In nearly every instance, she provided not only a dialogue tag, “Christina said,” but also a “beat” or “action tag,” a phrase describing what the character did as she spoke.

Consider this double attribution line:

“I’m so sorry,” Christina said, … Continue reading

Essential Information

A writers conference may be just what you need.

This past week, a literary agent vented his frustrations about the submissions he’d reviewed that morning. Though the writers assumed they were ready for the Big Leagues, their responses betrayed serious shortcomings.

They lacked a basic understanding of not only the vocabulary, but also the expectations of professional publishing. Without that foundation, … Continue reading