Put ONLY in Its Place

A word’s placement makes a difference.

I have a beef with Safeway. They may know groceries, but they struggle with word order.

I cringe every time I hear this line in their radio ad: “Safeway only sells U.S.D.A. choice beef.”

What’s wrong with that? The placement of the word only.

In English, … Continue reading

The Potato Chip Test

Do you keep tempting people to read one more page?

I hadn’t plan to listen to the music festival’s next band. It was about supper time, and I needed to catch a bite before the following group played.

My expectations for the Ellis Island Boys weren’t high, but I decided I’d hear … Continue reading

Baby Your First Draft

Like an infant, a manuscript needs further work.

Five months after my newest granddaughter was born, her parents continue to nurture her. Though she’s recently learned to roll over and is working on sitting, Mom and Dad know she has further potential—as do their three-year-old and almost seven-year-old.

That’s not … Continue reading