Sights, Sounds, and Smells

In-person research engages your senses.

While historic re-enactments aren’t history, they convey vivid details that escape Wikipedia.

Two weeks ago I took a short flight on a Ford Tri-Motor, an airliner from 1928. Books and online articles had told me it was loud. But they failed to capture the roar of the 450-horsepower radial engines.
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Read or Analyze?

Make the most of your regular reading.

I work primarily with print publications, so I subscribe not only to a daily newspaper, but also to several magazines.

Each offers the work of multiple writers, editors, proofreaders, photographers, and typographers — all skills I seek to improve.

Some of their articles I only skim; others I read in depth. At times the subject matter makes the difference. … Continue reading

Online Research Risks

There’s nothing like spending time on site.

No matter your book’s setting, readers expect you’ll not only set the scene with vivid details, but also that you’ll get those details right. It’s hard to achieve that if you’ve done all your research online.

My wife and I just returned from a … Continue reading