Extra Backups

You don’t need them … until you really need them.

This week, I nearly lost several days’ work. A corrupted computer file threatened multiple hours of effort.

I checked my primary backup. But without realizing it, I had copied to my external hard drive the version with a hidden, crippling error. The same with the high-capacity flash drive I always carry.

Fortunately I had a third backup: my spare laptop. On its screen I found the most recent, uncorrupted version of a six-page feature article.

Is keeping three separate backups, in three locations, excessive? Usually. But not when you really need them.

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About Andy Scheer

With more than 30 years in publishing, Andy Scheer has provided freelance editorial services since 2010. He has edited fiction and nonfiction for publishers including Moody, WinePress, and BelieversPress, as well as for clients including Dirk Cussler, McNair Wilson, DiAnn Mills, Heather Day Gilbert, and Sammy Tippit.

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