Changes of Plan

Sometimes they’re for the best.

For my magazine’s next issue, I’d set aside three pages to publicize a big summer event. But in the weeks since the issue’s materials deadline, I’d received no word from the event’s chairman.

Last week at a national event for the group, I met the chairman. He said that rather than three pages, he’d need only one.

I had two pages to fill.

The next day, another official for the summer event came to me with a problem. While he’d missed the deadline, he had a two-page article that really needed to run in the next issue. Was there any way I could include it?

Yes, problem solved!

Through years in publishing, I’ve learned to make plans but to hold them lightly. Had the urgent, late article not arrived, I would have had another article to fill that space. But the unexpected one fit the issue so much better.

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About Andy Scheer

With more than 30 years in publishing, Andy Scheer has provided freelance editorial services since 2010. He has edited fiction and nonfiction for publishers including Moody, WinePress, and BelieversPress, as well as for clients including Dirk Cussler, McNair Wilson, DiAnn Mills, Heather Day Gilbert, and Sammy Tippit.

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