Whatever Happened to ‘Awesome’?

I miss what that word used to mean.IMG_9177 adj

 by Andy Scheer

I paid the guy at the garage sale for a picture frame.

“Awesome,” he said.

I bit my tongue. Yes, the 8×10 picture frame was still shrink-wrapped. But the most generous adjective I’d give it was nice.

I’m old enough to remember when … Continue reading

Sometimes You Find a Book

And sometimes a book finds you.IMG_9177 adj

by Andy Scheer

The morning before the writers conference in Kansas City, I’d not planned to visit the book section of a thrift store. But the gray skies and drizzle made me jettison plans for the outdoor aircraft museum.

The oddly named paperback called to me. The Tummy … Continue reading

Home from the Conference

It’s good to take some downtime.IMG_9177 adj

by Andy Scheer

Having arrived mid-afternoon Sunday after a 10-hour drive, I’m thankful I had no pressing Monday projects.

Whether I’ve attended a weekend writers conference or a longer one, I’ve found that if I’m to make the most of it, I need some deliberate time … Continue reading