About Andy Scheer

With more than 30 years in publishing, Andy Scheer has provided freelance editorial services since 2010. He has edited fiction and nonfiction for publishers including Moody, WinePress, and BelieversPress, as well as for clients including Dirk Cussler, McNair Wilson, DiAnn Mills, Heather Day Gilbert, and Sammy Tippit.

Snowblowers, Sunscreen, and Saucepans

Don’t write just for today’s readers.

At a recent garage sale, I bought a much-needed tube of sunscreen—and also a snowblower.

I used one immediately. I’ll need the other next winter—on a day with no need for sunscreen.

That kind of thinking also applies to publishing.

If you’re writing for a newspaper, you’re safe to cite examples from the events of this week. … Continue reading

How Professionals Write

Three drafts are likely not enough.

How many drafts does it take to perfect a novel? According to one veteran writer, at least four.

In his Facebook post this past weekend, Ace Andrew Collins mentioned he has “signed contracts with publishers for 96 releases: 42 nonfiction, 28 novels, and 26 youth books.” So it’s fair to say he knows something about writing success.

A few … Continue reading

Cut Surplus Scenes

For coaching on what to cut, watch a film’s special edition.

After I watched a special edition DVD Romancing the Stone, I made a point to see the bonus features. As I watched, I realized they offer insights for a novelist.

Great novels aren’t written, the saying goes. They’re rewritten.

This includes reviewing each scene’s purposes ― confirming it accomplishes such tasks as advancing the … Continue reading