Just the Right Words

If they’re not right, revise.

After the title has attracted the interest of potential readers, you depend on your subtitle to entice them to begin reading your text. But these second-most important words you write don’t always come automatically. Sometimes your subtitle needs a second opinion … or a third.

For the Model A Ford magazine I produce, I just edited an article about … Continue reading

Hobby or a Business?

This question has two aspects.

This year’s tax season again drove home this lesson. For me, writing is much more than a hobby.

If you derive any of your income from writing, you’re likely familiar with needing to render to Caesar his share.

Beyond any financial aspects lies the more significant question of how seriously you take your writing.

Even if you write part time, after … Continue reading

Why Use a Typewriter

A first draft is never final.

Two videos this past week offered solid reminders about the writing process — and that a writer’s technology needs to serve the process.

The first video highlighted the approach taken by a multiple New York Times bestselling author who has always embraced the latest technology.

The second featured two veteran authors who always use a typewriter — one machine … Continue reading