Conferences Call

Somewhere near, opportunity beckons.

Decades ago, I attended my first writers conference. In the years since, the writing field has changed considerably. Fortunately, so have writers conferences.

I’m impressed with the number of smaller, regional events that have arisen. What they may lack in prestige, they more than make up for with other advantages.

There’s no longer a need to fly across the country. Instead, there’s … Continue reading

Yesterday’s First Draft

It’s useful, but far from final.

I’m glad that yesterday I worked through a rough layout of the article. Having edited the text, I wanted to confirm it would work well with the photos for the number of pages I’d projected.

After several intense hours, I accomplished my goal. I’d put in place all the elements for four pages in the magazine. It was time for … Continue reading

Writing to Everyone?

Instead, target specific readers.

Two words to avoid when you describe to an agent your book’s intended readership: all and everyone.

Yes, authors should radiate optimism. But claiming your book will appeal to everyone marks you as naive.

Consider just a few of the differences among potential readers: