
Welcome to Andy Scheer Editorial Services.

With more than 40 years in publishing, Andy began offering freelance editing services in 2010. Since then he’s edited book-length manuscripts for widely recognized publishers and individual clients.

Due to his current commitment to produce a national magazine, his availability to take on new editorial projects is extremely limited and usually reserved for repeat clients.

To ask about engaging his services, email him at Andy@AndyScheer.com

Andy Scheer is my first choice go-to guy for any important editing assignment.
After having worked with him for decades, I turn to him without hesitation,
knowing I’ll get careful, elegant, pristine work done professionally
and on time, every time.
JBJ 2to3 72dpi
Bestselling author of the Left Behind series
and more than 150 other titles
Owner, the Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild, JerryJenkins.com


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